Dhushara: Researching the Biogenic Cosmos

Dhushara Research - Symbiotic Existential Cosmology
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Symbiotic Existential Cosmology

 Full Colour PDF Print version Web Version

Chris King

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0  doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.32891.23846
1Genotype 1.1.373 Update 5-8-2021 5-2023 dhushara.com


Contents Summary - Contents in Full

Dedication  The Core

Scientific OverviewDiscovery and Philosophy

Biocrisis, Resplendence and Planetary Reflowering

Psychedelics in the Brain and Mind

Fractal, Panpsychic and Symbiotic Cosmologies

Quantum Reality and the Conscious Brain

Consciousness in the Quantum Universe

The Physical Viewpoint, The Neuroscience Perspective

The Evolutionary Landscape of Symbiotic Existential Cosmology

Evolutionary Origins of Conscious Experience

Science, Religion and Gene Culture Co-evolution

Animistic, Eastern and Western Traditions and Entheogenic Use

Natty Dread and Planetary Redemption

Yeshua’s Tragic Mission, Revelation and Cosmic Annihilation

Ecocrisis, Sexual Reunion and the Entheogenic Traditions

The Vision Quest to Discover Symbiotic Existential Cosmology

The Evolution of Symbiotic Existential Cosmology

Resplendence  A Moksha Epiphany

   Epilogue   References

Appendix: Primal Foundations, Panpsychic Philosophy


The Central Thesis of Symbiotic Existential Cosmology © Chris King 25-10-2023 as part of SEC 1.1.416


Abstract: The central thesis of Symbiotic Existential Cosmology (SEC) (King 2021) asserts quantum-critical interaction – that subjective consciousness interacts with the physical brain, as an anticipator of computationally intractable environmental uncertainty, utilising space-time entangled patterns of brain wave states, which are in quantum-critical  phase transition between superimposed wave function evolution and measurement-derived wave function collapse. These are biologically coupled to a complementary self-critically tuned neurodynamic phase transition, in which edge-of-chaos instabilities in conscious brain dynamics, accompanied by wave phase-modulation, implicitly involve hand-shaking between past and future special-relativistic states in their entangled wave functions. This provides efficacy of subjective conscious volition over the physical universe, by anticipating existential threats to organismic survival, which is thus preserved by evolution, in a universe that is also in a phase transition between full entanglement and wave collapse  – a process which is also in a state of biospheric evolutionary climax. The process is cosmological, because the symmetry-breaking of the colour, weak and electromagnetic vector boson forces results in fractal edge of chaos molecular quantum interactions, leading to the complexity pathway, including biogenesis and biological evolution, which is the cumulative expression of the four forces of nature in interaction, complementing the energy pathway, leading to galaxies, planetary systems and black holes (King 2004).

Fig 1: The Central Neurodynamic Thesis


This resolves two complementary questions essential to any existential cosmology:


(a)   The neurobiological question of the explanatory gap and the hard problem of the subjectivity of consciousness extended to volition, in which subjective conscious physical volition is manifested through space-time entangled patterns of brain wave states in a quantum phase transition, coupled to self-organised neurodynamic phase transitions  at the edge-of-chaos, complemented by tuned modulation of wave phase.

(b)  The cosmological question of a universe, in an ongoing partially collapsed phase transition, of quantumness, between a fully quantum-entangled cosmic wave function and a measurement-reduced universe, substantially quantum-collapsed, due to a plethora of destructive measurement processes that tend to evoke “classical” outcomes, through the projection operator, as in the cat paradox experiment, in which planetary biospheres and conscious existence, co-arise in evolutionary climax, at the edge of chaos.


Empirical experience confirms that, while the physical universe is necessary for our biological survival, subjective conscious experience is primary. We access the physical world, exclusively and entirely through our subjective conscious experiences of it, so subjective consciousness is clearly primary to our knowledge of the physical universe, whose physical quanta in bosons and fermions, we do not experience directly, but only inferentially, through our biologically-derived subjective sensory perceptions, along with less-confined inner subjective experiences in dreams, visions and psychedelic states including that which inspired SEC. Nevertheless, we understand that, as living organisms, the physical universe in the form of climax planetary biospheres, is necessary to our biological survival, as an inferred foundation of our common existence.


In a classical deterministic Laplacian universe, every future state is fully determined by the dynamical laws of evolution and the initial conditions, while in the quantum universe, our knowledge of outcomes is restricted to evolution of the Schrödinger equation, (von Neumann process 2), punctuated by collapse of the wave function to an eigenvalue (von Neumann process 1) , resulting in discrete events having an observed probability determined by the wave function amplitude under the Born interpretation. This leads to non-local hidden-variable theories, postulated below the quantum level, from pilot waves, through quantum transactions to super-determinism, which seek to explain and determine the specific individual outcomes we see, for example in the Schrödinger cat paradox experiment, where a cat subjected to a lethal dose of cyanide, via a radio-active decay is found to be alive or dead but not both. The quantum universe is thus in a state of punctuated causality and is neither fully defined, nor causally closed. Because brain dynamics do not involve independent identically-distributed (IID) measurements, as their contexts are continually changing, there is no evidence that they converge to the classical limit in the Born interpretation, even at biological temperatures. Nor can it be established that the brain’s dynamics is causally closed to subjectivity. We attempt to understand such stochasticity using two classical ideas, billiard ball collisions and the probabilities of a poker game, applying the first to quantum decoherence and the second to the probability interpretation of wave function collapse. But neither are adequate to deal with the non-local dynamics of quantum entanglement – in Einstein’s words “God does not play dice with the universe!”


The central thesis asserts that subjective consciousness is a key process resolving cosmological indeterminacy, by forming a neurodynamic realisation of hidden interactions governing non-local entanglement, facilitating biological survival by anticipating quantum-derived environmental uncertainty in a manner complementing computational boundary conditions. SEC postulates that subjective “awareness” is expressed at the quantum level in  the special relativistic wave function, extending into both the past and future in process 2,  while subjective “volition” corresponds to wave function reduction in process 1, in primal subjectivity, with full consciousness originating later, with the eucaryote endosymbiosis, in sentient edge of chaos cell membrane excitation and  neurotransmitter-based signalling. Space-time anticipation constitutes whole conscious experiences containing a retro-causal echo of the future, both in intuitive conscious anticipation and experiences of prescience, precognition and deja vu. This cannot be analysed, or predicted by causal computation, for the same reason entanglement prevents transmission of classical information under local Einsteinian causality, and the uncertainties are irreducible, because they involve both computationally intractable environmental uncertainties and indeterminacies due to other live conscious volitional agents.


SEC asserts that the conscious brain uses its continuous wave tissue potentials to evoke a unique form of quantum space-time anticipation through global-scale entangled excitations moving in and out of coherence, in a phase transition between full entanglement and wave function collapse, reflected biodynamically in both the phase transition between edge of chaos dynamics at tipping points between chaos and order, and phase coupling between continuous electromagnetic wave potentials in the tissues and individual neuronal action potentials in the neural net connectivity. This results in subjective experience manifesting as a globally omnipresent “stream of consciousness” –forming an anticipatory “quantum of the present”, but also entangled with the future, in a manner similar to an integral transform. Conscious anticipation is complemented by rational processes coupled to established classical causal factors compatible with cerebral cognition involving extensive predictive encoding in the brain, utilising perception, cognition, memory and the experiential context.  Rather than a physically causal action by the brain, perceptual cognition acts as a contextual dynamically-evolving physical boundary filter on consciousness. This enables intuitive subjectively conscious choices, favouring the survival of the organism, by anticipating existential crises and opportunities and in turn applying subjective conscious intentional volition in our decision-making behaviour, to facilitate our biological survival over evolutionary time scales.  Subjective interaction can thus move seamlessly, from uncertainty-dominant anticipative intuition, to context-dominant predictively cognitive responses.


This overall picture coincides with our empirical subjective experience of conscious intuitive decision-making, resulting in veridical perception of our volitional action in intentional behaviour. For this purpose, SEC asserts that there are two scientific empirical avenues, (a) verified objective observation and (b) affirmed subjective experience, consistent with the etymology and current meaning of “empirical” as “based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation, or experience, rather than theory or pure logic” (Oxford Languages). Given the fact that the overwhelming opinion of sane people is that we have conscious empirical intentional ability to affect our fates and this is the basis of criminal and corporate law on intent, this has a very high level of empirical validation, which even scientific physicalists, in all honesty, need to concede is the case. Indeed SEC is the only type of cosmology that respects our empirical experience without invoking some form of illusionism that our subjective experience of active agency is a fallacious deception.


SEC proposes that subjective conscious intuition in decision-making and volition can influence the ongoing brain state, in situations where there is quantum-derived environmental uncertainty, as is critical for our survival, and that the brain state accompanying subjective conscious volition over the physical universe, occurs only when the physical brain dynamic is in a self-organised critical state of physical phase transition at the edge of chaos, between chaos and order, which is itself at a quantum uncertain unstable tipping point. This avoids causal conflict between subjective volition and a determined ongoing physical brain state. It is achieved by minimising quantum measurement in favour of a higher degree of anticipatory phase entanglement than the surrounding universe, consistent with minimal collapse to the classical. The efficacy of conscious anticipation in survival in the wild is essential to explain why subjective conscious volition has an evolutionary advantage, over non-conscious computational processing and has thus been conserved by evolution due to a peacock’s tail Red Queen race against predators, in which even a marginal advantage over pure computational intelligence becomes pivotal. 


Fig 2: Subjective consciousness takes the Red Queen’s lead

over physical Alice in the evolutionary race (Wikipedia).



SEC adopts the approach of transactional transcausality, where in a positive energy universe, given emitted real quasi-particles undergoing wave function collapse, the uncertain prospective absorbers are transactional boundary conditions in the emitter’s future,  providing an explanation of quantum anticipation, through a future-past handshaking phase transition, from a plasma-like interaction of causal offer and retro-causal confirmation waves, inset centre in fig 1, into a solid-like set of real interactions between emitters and absorbers, in an interaction which is transversal to elapsing time. Furthermore, this is achieved because the brain also uses phase modulation of its waveforms, evidenced in electro- and magneto-encephalograms, through hand-shaking phase coupling of individual action potential timings with the continuous tissue potentials. Brain waves in the EEG share the features of macroscopic radio waves, and hence entanglement in their fields, as in coherent laser light. The modulated phase coherence of global brain dynamics in dynamic feedback with more decentralised partially decoherent local processing, invokes the “spotlight” of conscious attention, with a sub-conscious periphery, common to global neuronal workspace theories. SEC asserts that these phase modulations are homologous to the foundation concept of quantum uncertainty through wave beats,  and constitute a unique form of quantum measurement by the brain of its own internal dynamical states, to facilitate transactional quantum anticipation, distinct from using the Born probability interpretation by destructive measurement, as in standard experimental physics.


This enables the subjectively conscious brain to collapse the probability multiverse of future quantum uncertainties, to unfold the line of emerging world history that we invoke together, for better or worse, through our choices in the uncertain “karmic” quantum environment, as live autonomous intentional agents, inheriting personal conscious responsibility for our actions, particularly in relation to the biosphere and it’s and our survival as a species.


Human subjects experience trichromatic 3D size-conserved veridical visual perception and Fourier transformed time frequency auditory perception. We also experience veridical perception of our intentional volition being autonomously enacted, consistent with personal responsibility for intent under the law. Physicalist notions admitting subjective consciousness as an internal model of reality, mind-brain identity theories and dual aspect monism share the characteristic that subjective experience is epiphenomenal – supervenient on physical brain states – and hence our veridical perception of mental causation is an illusion. It is commonly suggested that the illusion exists to preserve the evolutionary will to exist and reproduce, but this is counterfactual, because any process required to sustain an illusion is evolutionarily unstable, as it has no intrinsic survival advantage, while the capacity for subjective consciousness is conserved across the metazoa.



Consciousness Research Fractal Research World Futures Apocalypse Sexual Paradox Nino Music Complete works Biocosmology & Evolution Graphical Site Map - click on thumbnails to visit pages. Space, Time and Consciousness Entheogens, the Conscious Brain and Existential Reality Twelve Sacred Plants Fallacies of Religion and Violence Quantum Cosmology Human Emergence Unraveling the Tree of Life Biocosmology Reflowering Apocalypse Graphical Site Map - click on thumbnails to visit pages.











Biocosmology and Consciousness Research

Research into the cosmology of living diversity in the universe and its expression in the conscious brain.

Articles      Books     Movies


  • Planetary Ecocrisis <> Nuclear Misadventure <> Covid-19 <> Reproductive Dystopia Current state of ongoing developments regarding biodiversity, mass extinction, deforestation climate change, the threat of nuclear apocalypse and reproductive tipping points.
  • Synchronicity and Quantum Cosmology
  • The Global Science and Politics of Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2 A Self-induced Malthusian Catastrophe 2021
  • The Origin of Sex: Why All's Fair in Love and War 2017
  • Conscious Existence and the Fate of the Universe 2017
  • Consciousness, Cosmology and the Meaning of Life
  • The Resplendence Codex 2015 This article investigates how the quest for apocalypse compromises our ability to care for the natural diversity and viability of the planet in resplendence and how a change of paradigm could solve this.
  • Holy War Against Science: 2016 Evolution versus Intelligent Design. Explains why the evolutionary tree of life is correct while creationism and ID is a religious deception, and shows how nature can give us a superior spiritual view of the universe and life within it.
  • Religion, Politics, Sexual Reproduction and the Future of Human Society 8-2015 This article provides an in depth investigation of the causes and solutions of the serious long-term instabilites facing human society including climate change,resource depletion habitat destriction and over-population in terms of fertility, and the effects of religion and politics on human ability to deal with future change.
  • The Hyperactive Resting Brain on MEG 7-2015 A two minute MEG profile of a subject in the resting state from the Human Connectome Project generated using wavelet transforms to show interactions between alpha, beta and gamma oscillations suggesting wave coherence processing as occurs in quantum processes.
  • Chronicles of Insomnia and the Magic Bullet's Poisoned Chalice 4-2015 How to get a good night's sleep and persuade a quarter of women in the US to take drugs.
  • Nature, Violence, Consciousness, Sexuality and World Religion 10-2014 This article is an unveiling expose of the lethal fallacies that underly the religious traditions which between them are followed by a majority of people on this planet, which between them constitute one of the most principal threats to the future survival of humanity.
  • Biocosmology 1978-2016 How cosmic symmetry-breaking leads to the origin and evolution of life as an interactive product, with all the latest experimental research from stardust to the last universal common ancestor.
  • The Tree of Life: Tangled Roots and Sexy Shoots: 2009-2015 Tracing the genetic pathway from the first eucaryotes to Homo sapiens. a fully referenced research review to overview progress in unraveling the details of the evolutionary Tree of Life, from life's first occurrence in the hypothetical RNA-era, to humanity's own emergence and diversification, through migration and intermarriage, using research diagrams and brief discussion of the current state of the art, in response to summaries of some of these developments.
  • Space, Time and Consciousness 2-2015 This paper presents a potential mechanism for the conscious brain to anticipate impending opportunities and threats to survival through massively parallel weak quantum measurement (MPWQM) induced by the combined effects of edge of chaos sensitivity and phase coherence sampling of brain states. It concludes that the underpinnings of this process emerged in single-celled eucaryotes.
  • Sex, Genes, Politics and Company Law: Can Capitalist Democracy coexist with Human Survival? 2013 This article investigates whether electoral democracy and capitalist corporate activity can provide any basis for long-term economic and ecological sustainability. We shall also examine how both capitalism and democracy are manifestly social products of the male gender to the exclusion of the immortal sex men live their lives to fertilize and seek the keys to an ecological completion of the economic quest for a life of natural abundance.
  • The Cosmology of Conscious Mental States 5-2013 We explore the diversity of mental states, and examine to what extent these are both a product of specific known brain processes and yet may access a complementary aspect of existence to the cosmology of the physical universe and its natural biosystems, potentially giving mental states an existential cosmological status.
  • Entheogens, the Conscious Brain and Existential Reality 2012-2015 A state of the art research overview of what is currently known about how entheogens, including the classic psychedelics, affect the brain and transform conscious experience through their altered serotonin receptor dynamics, and to explore their implications for understanding the conscious brain and its relationship to existential reality, and their potential utility in our cultural maturation and understanding of the place of sentient life in the universe.
    Entheogens, Culture and the Conscious Brain (27 min video) 2012 A companion video with source footage of the cultural traditions, as well as the scientific discoveries.
  • Deus ex Machina and the Conscious Cosmos 2-2014 The concept of “god in the machine” evokes all the paradoxes of nature and existence, from religious creationism to mechanistic atheism. We use this evocative notion to escape from the contradictions of current world views and to discover the roots of our transformative consciousness.
  • Stripping God Naked: The Cosmology of Unveiling How the world got into the situation it has and how we can decode the Rosetta stone, transforming it into a sustainable future.
  • Cosmological Foundations of Consciousness 2011 Overview Explores the cosmological basis of consciousness and subjective experience from cosmic symmetry breaking through biogenesis, and eucaryote emergence, to the human brain.
  • Cutting Through the Enigma of Consciousness 2010 Exploring the dimensions of subjective consciousness and the ultimate theory of everything.
  • The Cosmology of Sexual Paradox and the Fall - A lecture given in Jerusalem August 2010
  • Sensory Transduction and Subjective Experience in Nature Precedings 1 Jan 2008, Activitas Nervosa Superior 2009 51/1, 45-50
  • Why the Universe is Fractal May 2008
  • The Central Enigma of Consciousness 2008 The nature and physical basis of consciousness remains the central enigma of the scientific description of reality in the third millennium. This paper seeks to examine the phenomenal nature of consciousness and elucidate a possible biophysical basis for its existence, in terms of a form of quantum anticipation based on entangled states driven by chaotic sensitivity of global brain states during decision-making processes.
  • A Taboo Kind of Retirement Apology 12th Nov 2009 In the emerging tradition of lightning electronic publication, this is a illustrated research version of my farewell speech with live links to the current ground-breaking developments mentioned and research papers, including live research overviews on the origins of life, the evolutionary tree of life and the conscious brain



Dhushara Research: Strategy and Purpose

The central purpose of Dhushara Research is to maintain a cutting-edge scientific description of reality, particularly in relation to biological life and subjective consciousness, which is optimally conducive to human and natural survival, facilitating a 'soft-landing' in terms of human impact for the closing circle of the biosphere, transcending traditional religious imperatives. This program maintains several central articles which are continuously updated in real time as new research emerges, as indicated by their genotype.

  1. Symbiotic Cosmology and Perennial Conscious Existence
  2. Quantum Reality and Cosmology overviews quantum entanglement and the cosmological processes shaping both the fundamental wave-particle forces of nature and the universe at large.
  3. Biocosmology overviews discovering how life emerges as an interactive consequence of cosmological symmetry-breaking of the fundamental forces, with combined astronomical, chemical, and biological evidence for a fractal informational phase transition to replicative life.
  4. Tree of Life: Tangled Roots and Sexy Shoots traces the genetic and evolutionary pathways from the last universal common ancestor of life on Earth to Homo sapiens, emphasizing the role of evolution in the diversification of life and conscious intelligence.
  5. Subjective consciousness becomes the next major focus:
    1. Space, Time and Consciousness looks at subjective consciousness and its consequences in a general overview.
    2. The Central Enigma of Consciousness focuses on the hard problem of subjective experience in relation to brain science.
    3. Entheogens, the Conscious Brain and Existential Reality researches how subjective experience is modulated by mind-altering substances, complemented by Twelve Sacred Plants.
    4. The Cosmology of Conscious Mental States ties these together in a common perspective.
  6. Threats to human and natural survival are investigated - Planetary Ecocrisis, Nuclear Holocaust and Reproductive Technology.
  7. Sexual Paradox: Reproductive Conflict and Human Emergence examines the emergence of humanity in terms of its high degree of sexual polarization and ensuring reproductive conflict:
    1. The Entanglements of Biological Sex looks at sexual biology and sexual polarization.
    2. Sexual Paradox in the Brain examines sexual differences in terms of the human brain and brain function.
    3. Humanity's Evolutionary Heritage looks at our primate and hominin origins and our genetic emergence.
    4. Culture out of Africa examines our cultural origins in founding African peoples from the mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosome Adam.
    5. Emergence of Civilization and the Fall overviews how reproductive conflict has given rise to major patriarchal cultural and religious traditions.
    6. Religious traditions and their imposition of patriarchal sexual imperatives are examined in detail in several further chapters of Sexual Paradox.
  8. Resplendence is a transformative world-view, transcending the implicit bondage of religion, while complementing the scientific description of reality and nature in a way which is conducive to human survival and the survival of life's diversity in a resplendent paradaisical climax biosphere. Four key articles deal with complementing the scientific description in a discovery process into the ultimate nature of conscious existence trnscending religious world -views:
    1. Conscious Existence and the Fate of the Universe provides an explanation of how respendence fulfils the existential quest in a primary exploration of the conscius condition that transcends religion and complements scientific discovery.
    2. The Origin of Sex shows how evolution has given rise firstly to sex, then multicelled organisms and conscious brains, explaining why female reproductive choice is key to the emergence of our super-intelligence.
    3. Planetary Ecocrisis is a real time research reference overview of damage being done to biodiversity and the biosphere as a direct evidential call to action.
    4. Resplendence: A Cosmological Theory of Knowing looks at resplendence as a subjective theory and method complementing objective science..
  9. Transcending Religion: Three key articles deal with complementing the scientific description in enlightened human decision-making protecting the planet and its living generations.
    1. Nature, Violence, Consciousness, Sexuality and World Religion overviews the conflicts and contradictions arising from religious imperatives. It is a critiquie of traditional religious descriptions and the often violent realities they try to impose on humanity, and women in particular, in conflict with human survival as a species.
    2. The Resplendence Codex resolves this existential crisis by outling a prospective Tao or way of life complementary to the natural description, healing the biosphere, entitled resplendence for its verdant reflowering of natrual diversity. Resplendence provides resolution in a comprehensive view of reality and the meaning and purpose of life, complementing science and nature.
    3. Conscious Existence and the Meaning of Life Unravelling the Existential dilemma and the diversity of life in the quantum universe.

The Central Enigma of Life, the Universe and Everything

How the brain gives rise to subjective consciousness remains the deepest and most confounding enigma in the scientific description of reality and our existential quest. The sentient universe is a fundamental complementarity between objective and subjective aspects, with our subjective consciousness and our physical world description forming our own intimate representation of this complementation. Although we depend on the physical world for our survival as an organism, all our experiences of it come exclusively through our subjective experience. This complementarity has a multi-fold manifestation in the world too - wave-particle, boson-fermion, ovum-sperm, female-male, etc. as the molecular fractal complexity of life explodes, and abstractly in chaos-order, calculus-algebra, discrete-continuous and defection vs cooperation in the prisoners' dilemma -- all forming a Tao, or Tantra, as the Eastern traditions describe it.

This means that even trying to think of the "hard problem" of consciousness research -- how the brain gives rise to the subjective mind -- as such, is a misrepresentation of a complementarity which can be understood only in terms of cosmological panpsychism. The scientific description of the physical universe, for all its astounding discoveries, is purely a model of the behaviour of physical entities, such as photons and molecules and the structures they form. This means we think of consciousness as associated only with the physical brain and with higher brain functions which we don't fully understand, but imagine can somehow bridge this gap in terms of collective neural oscillations. The trouble is that subjective experiences are so different from the physical description that no conceivable brain function model can bridge the gap.

By contrast, the Darwinian panpsychism of Symbiotic Existential Comology proposes that the fundamental constituents of the universe -- i.e. quanta -- have both a subjective existence and objective behaviour. We can't see this existence or "isness" directly, just as we have difficulty seeing one another's consciousness directly, so objective behaviour becomes the default core description. However we know that the quantum wave function shapes where each particle ends up in a way which remains unpredictable for a single quantum and only becomes determined in the average, in terms of the probability (amplitude squared) of the wave function. We have also discovered that quantum entanglement between particles is both critical and universal to how the universe works. This means that a primitive form of subjective "consciousness" is represented in the wave function extending into the past and future entangled with other wave functions and the volition or fee will of the quantum is represented in its idiosyncratic revelation of the particle when wave function collapse occurs.

The brain inherited the dynamics to make our form of subjective consciousness possible long before multi-celled organisms evolved. LECA the founding single-celled eucaryote already possessed the G-protein linked receptors found in the brain, and going even deeper -- LUCA the last common ancestor of all life, possessed a chemi-osmotic excitable membrane, enabling chaotic sensitivity in the butterfly effect during bursting and beating. In the context of animal brains, these in turn, lead to phase-front processing, which forms a representation of the same dynamics involved in quantum measurement, bringing in quantum entanglement into the dynamics, driven by self-organized criticality at tipping points running from individual ion channels to whole brain dynamics.

This means that the universe is a sentient cosmos, evolving to make possible a fully intimate connection between subjective and objective aspects of reality, in which existential "isness" and objective behaviour reach a consummation in the sentient brain in conscious perception and intentional will. Consciousness can then intentionally affect the physical universe, just as we experience it to do, by collapsing the wave function of the "multiverse" of quantum probabilities into the line of cosmic history we experience, through Schrodinger's cat paradox. This is what we experience as conscious decision-making, affecting the world around us, for better or worse.

This in turn means that, as a consummating manifestation of cosmic sentience, we have a personal and collective responsibility to fulfil this emergent quest and to preserve and unfold the diversity of life in the universe and this is what the meaning and purpose of life is all about. It is we ourselves, the universe's sentient beings, who form the consummating manifestation of the interactive catastrophe set off by symmetry-breaking in the cosmic origin rising to biospheric symbiosis in comlex life on the cosmic equtor in space-time and it is we who must needs protect and unfold the diversity of life so that the process can reach ultimate fulfillment. The buck stops with us and the fate of the universe and life within it becomes our personal responsibility to protect, rather than exploit.

Religious notions of deity in the form of an all-powerful God are an imaginary externalisation of this emergent cosmic principle personalised in the form of an anthropomorphic agent with all-too-human emotions of jealousy, wrath and compassion, giving form to tohu-va-vohu -- chaos without form or void. This leads to an abandonment of personal responsibility for the preservation of life and a root confusion between subjective and objective manifestations, in which personality, moral judgment and legislative manufacture, are perceived to have shaped a lifeless world, thus deprecating the intrinsic fecundity of the natural universe to manifest in space-time in the emergence and evolving diversity of sentient life, invoking instead the edict "let there be light" and the false notion of creationism by manufacture, or in its metamorphosis, intelligent design. At the same time, religion lays false claim to present a final account of our conscious destiny in the life hereafter beyond the mortal coil in a way which dislocates us from the natural world and its protection.

The danger is that religion disregards the very principles of evolutionary emergence of the sentient universe that are key to avoiding a critical tipping point, causing climate and ecological crisis, threatening our survival in the enclosing biosphere of planet Earth in an apocalyptic end of days. We likewise face a parallel danger from rampant objective materialism, which denies any cosmological role for consciousness, and in which any exploitative outcome is a win for the perpetrator, allowing business as usual to become predatory and personal gain to become destructive to the survival of the diversity of life.

Hence the situation is extremely urgent and a revolution of understanding of what subjective consciousness is and its role in the natural universe is essential for our survival. Among the diversity of mental states, dreaming and visionary and psychedelic experiences give us further understanding of the intrinsic nature of the subjective, to help humanity make this transition, without which it becomes all too easy for us to confuse consciousness with merely being a ghost in the machine of objective reality.

Populism, Tribalism and the Future of Planet Earth
The Great Dying is a Wake-Up Call: A Personal Statement

The Diamond Oracle - Verifiable Trust and Planetary Survival

Sexual Paradox: Complementarity, Reproductive Conflict and Human Emergence (2003-2016)

Sexual Paradox" unveils the subterranean realities underlying our cultural future. It is a book about sexual paradox, the nemesis of our pretensions, yet the genesis of our living destinies. It demonstrates that sexual paradox is at the core of all descriptions of reality, lurking in the quantum realm and in the relationship between body and mind as much as in our hormone-steeped bodies and rising pulses. It presents the idea of sexual paradox as a cosmic principle spanning the widest realms, from physics, through biology to our social futures.

Although human culture appears to have flowered through runaway aspects of sexual paradox in human evolutionary origins among gatherer-hunter clans, a male reaction has subsequently occurred from the earliest foundings of Jericho and Sumeria with the growth of militarized urban societies, through the great civilizations of the East and West to the present day. Patterns of male sexual domination lead to breakdown into ordered patterns of control, and often of repression, violence, and genocide which culminate in planetary rape and exploitation and compromise the living genesis and emergence in complexity sexual paradox evokes. We explore, along with sexual paradox, all the many ways in which its breakdown leads to double jeopardy and how sexual paradox is a koan and oracle for our social transformation to a sustainable society.


Niño music

Complete List of downloadable mp3 Tracks


  1. Revelation Lyrics 2015
  2. Black Rose Lyrics
  3. The Gaia Anointing Lyrics
  4. Hymn to the Epoch Lyrics
  5. Marriage in Paradise? Lyrics
  6. Sleepers Awaken Lyrics 2015
  7. Verdant Unveiling Lyrics 2009
  8. Last Temptation Lyrics 2009
  9. Resurrection of Magdalen
  10. Dialogue of the Savior Lyrics
  11. Song of the Biosphere Lyrics
  12. 'Elohim Lyrics
  13. Woman at the Well Lyrics
  14. To Shakti
  15. Set Love Free Lyrics
  16. To Shekhinah
  17. Opening the Mercy Gates
  18. Song of Songs Wailing Wall
  19. By the Waters of Love Lyrics

Fire & Flood

Panoramas of Opuhi our Sacred Land

Fixing Teeth with Supergel and Cernit

Fractal and Chaos Research

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Fractal Research

  • Kleinian and Quasi-Fuchsian Limit Sets: An Open Source Toolbox This article presents a computational toolbox in an OS-independent form which is freely available to those seeking to understand these systems and explore them, including the key examples in "Indra's Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein".
  • The Physics and Computational Exploration of Zeta and L-functions This article provides a spectrum of 4-D global portraits of a diversity of zeta and L-functions, using currently devised numerical methods and explores the implications of these functions in enriching the understanding of diverse areas in physics, from thermodynamics, and phase transitions, through quantum chaos to cosmology. The Riemann hypothesis is explored from both sides of the divide, comparing cases where the hypothesis remains unproven, such as the Riemann zeta function, with cases where it has been proven true, such as Selberg zeta functions.
  • Taming Riemann's Tiger: Has a young Indian i-Phone Programmer Solved the Most Challenging Enigma in Mathematics?
  • A Dynamical Key to the Riemann Hypothesis May 2011 This note sets out a dynamical basis for the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function being on the critical line x = 1⁄2. It does not prove the Riemann Hypothesis (RH), but it does give a dynamical explanation for why zeta and the Dirichlet L-functions do have their non-trivial zeros on the critical line and why other closely related functions do not. It suggests RH is an additional unprovable postulate of the number system, similar to the axiom of choice, associated with the limiting behavior of the primes as .
  • Fractal Geography of the Zeta Function Mar 2011 http://arxiv.org/abs/1103.5274. The quadratic Mandelbrot set has been referred to as the most complex and beautiful object in mathematics and the Riemann Zeta function takes the prize for the most complicated and enigmatic function.  Here we elucidate the spectrum of Mandelbrot and Julia sets of Zeta, to unearth the geography of its chaotic and fractal diversities, combining these two extremes into one intrepid journey into the deepest abyss of complex function space.
  • Exploding the Dark Heart of Chaos: March 2009 An exploration of the universality of the cardioid at the centre of the Mandelbrot set extended to the diversity of complex analytic functions with Mac XCode applications and Quicktime movies illustrating each example.
  • Experimental Observations on the Riemann Hypothesis and the Collatz Conjecture 22 May 2009 This paper seeks to explore whether the Riemann hypothesis falls into a class of putatively unprovable mathematical conjectures, which arise as a result of unpredictable irregularity and to provide an experimental basis to discover some of the mathematical enigmas surrounding these conjectures.
  • Exploring Quantum and Classical Chaos in the Stadium Billiard 9 July 2009 This paper explores quantum and classical chaos in the stadium billiard using Matlab simulations to investigate the behavior of wave functions in the stadium and the corresponding classical orbits believed to underlie wave function scarring.
  • The Ising Model of Spin Interactions as an Oracle of Self-Organized Criticality, Fractal Mode-Locking and Power Law Statistics in Neurodynamics Aug 2009.
  • The 'Core' Concept and the Mathematical Mind 4th Feb 2007 PDF This paper examines a variety of evidence from brain studies of mathematical cognition, from mathematics in early child development, from studies of the gatherer-hunter mind, from a variety of puzzles, games and other human activities, from theories emerging from physical cosmology, and from burgeoning mathematical resources on the internet that suggest that mathematics is more akin to a maze than a focally-based hierarchy, that topology, geometry and dynamics are fundamental to the human mathematical mind.

Lago de Atitlan, Guatemala

Intrepid Travel

  1. Andes Amazon Millennium Join and enjoy our Millennial trip from the Andes down the Amazon to Rio to document the destruction of biodiversity. See also: Amazon Burning Season 1999
  2. Intrepid Asia in 90 days 2006 with Flashbacks A comprehensive photo and video blog of an intrepid journey running from India, through Nepal, Tibet, China, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
  3. Gypsy Japan 2007 A photoblog of our journey by minivan through the shrines, temples, mountains, coasts and small Samurai towns of Honshu and Shikoku.
  4. A Chaotic Orbit of Planet Gaia in 90 Days 2010 A photo blog of our journey starting from Chile and ending in Bali, spanning Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, the US, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Istanbul, Jordan, Jerusalem, Mumbai, and Bali.
  5. Tangential Asia 2014 our latest 9 week travel blog to Bali, Vietnam, overland across China, to South Korea, Kyushu and Taiwan

Gyantse, Tibet from the Fortress

Genesis of Eden (1997) Biodiversity, nuclear and evolutionary issues updated to 2016

Consumating the apocalyptic tradition in scientific cosmology.

Contains pages on diverse areas, from quantum physics, through neuroscience and biodiversity, to the cultural and religious dimensions of the Fall from Eden, our wider cultural and religious heitage and our apocalyptic coming of age.

Genesis of Eden

Sexual Paradox Biocosmology Consciousness Evolution Biodiversity Gene Tech Deadly Conflict
Codex of the Tree Niño Music
Genesis Contents Fertility Reunion Dhushara Home

Codex of the Tree of Life: Diversity and Reality (1999)


This collection of chapters from The Black Book of Many Colours is a numinous investigation into the cultural origins religious traditions and their relationship with the Tree of Life of living diversity and the sexual reunion of woman and man with chapters outlining my millennial sabbatical to the Amazon and Jerusalem to culminate the apocalyptic epoch of the messiah and catalyse the sustainable epoch of the Tree.

The Tree of Life stands as the secret of the apocalypse. In our cultural emergence, we entered free-fall from natural diversity, leading ultimately to our awakening as a cosmic species. In this awakening we discover the nature of intent and taking personal responsibility for the Earth's living future.

This future is in turn a product of how well we guard the evolutionary tree from threats within and beyond Earth and how richly we provide for its future ramifications. The dangers for the tree of life are immense. From its first beginnings in the felled Huluppu Tree of Sumeria and before that in the first gatherers of the Rift Valley, the tree and its diversity have been under constant threat.

Natural Sacraments: The potential role of the so-called 'power plants' in helping humanity arrive at a new paradigm of long-term future goodness in nurturing a sustainable planet of living diversity for the generations of the future. Recent scientific studies have confirmed that non drug-abusing study participants report genuine transformative experiences which have improved and integrated their lives when given the opportunity to partake of natural sacraments in a positive experimental setting.

A Fatwa on Purdah: Unveiling Niqab, Burqa, Chador and Hijab This article is a fatwa to unveil the veil and liberate the world from violent and lethal punishments for adultery. It is designed to be explanatory, for Muslims, and non-Muslims alike, on the status of the veil, and its more oppressive forms. If you are a Muslim, it is set out as a valid religious opinion. If you are not a Muslim, its grounds are human common sense and compassion, so that women will not have to walk one-eyed.

A Fatwah on Purdah The Movie YouTube Banned because of conservative Islamic pressure

YouTube Videos

El Camino de la Muerte - The World's Most Dangerous Road

Apocalypsia - our full 5-hour millennial world vigil
The full movie of the millennial vigil we made to the Amazon and to Jerusalem to transform
the paradigm of religious apocalypse into the epoch of the Tree of Life of living diversity.

The anointed of the resurrection is born under a bad sign, a planetary apocalypse amid a verdant paradise,
the sweet-smelling myrrh on the handles of the lock, the mushroom cloud of Trinity and the sacred mushroom of immortality.

What's in a Name?

I am Chris King (aka Cristo Rey, or Christus Rex). I was born on the Epiphany 1945, just as the plutonium began to roll out of Hanford towards our destiny of nuclear holocaust at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Dhushara God of Gaia originates as the Lord of Seir in Genesis and becomes the Nabatean iconic fertility deity of Nabatea in the time of Jesus. Dhushara embodies the tabu Dionysian aspects of miraculous dread, true vine, soma and sangre, thief in the night, darkness at noon-tide, and bridegroom of the sacred reunion. The true unveiling comes through throwing the covers off reality in fertile transgression of the old order.

Niño or El Niño, is chosen for the music group, after the Southern climatic and oceanic oscillation, to represent the eye of the hurricane of biospheric immanence.

As a scientist I have ongoing research interests in biocosmology, evolution and consciousness. I have participated in both the source Eastern and Western spiritual traditions and made a vision quest to experience the specturm of entheogens, including vigils to the sources of the world's power plants and fungi. During the second millennial transition I performed a series of rites of passage to culminate the messianic epoch in reflowering the Tree of Life in the sacred reunion of the hieros gamos in Jerusalem.

My mission is to invoke a paradigm shift to a new paradisiacal epoch, in which the generations of life, and we ourselves as a climax species, can flourish in abundance and evolve further in conscious awareness. A paradigm shift is a situation in which our view of the universe can evolve through changes of insight. For example, our understanding of the laws of motion were radically tranformed by Isaac Newton and then again by Albert Einstein, by establishing new concepts which have altered our understanding of nature and our description of reality in the scientific tradition. The original Greek term παράδειγμα (paradeigma) was used in Plato's "Timaeus" as the model, or pattern, that the Demiurge used to create the cosmos.

Yeshua caused just such a paradigm shift in religious tradition, by embarking on a controversial mission, in which he embraced a world view which integrated contemporary apocalypic Hebrew beliefs with the heroic notions of neighbouring fertility cultures, adopting a miraculous persona, becoming the true vine turning water into wine, anointed by a woman and ministered unto by the women out of their substance, to the cumulative extent that he became accused of blasphemy by the Jewish orthodoxy and was after his crucifixion by the Romans, embraced as a demi-god by the wider pagan world, so that Christianity has become a major global religion worshipping him as world saviour, despite his disclaiming the role of lord and master, in favour of becoming an intoxicant:

"I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated
from the bubbling spring which I have measured out." (Gospel of Thomas 13).

The notion of messiah, or mashiach, is a living archetype, recurrent throughout recorded history as the redeeming hero. The true value and test of a mashiach is invoking a paradigm of long-term future goodness. I am a messiah of living diversity, under the banner of reflowering the Tree of Life, to protect the future generations of life on planet Earth. The Tree of Life is both the tree of evolutionary living diversity and has been integral to our collective consciousness, from our Fall from unity with paradise in Eden to the future revelation of the tree and its fruit for the healing of the nations, in our unveiling. Cherishing and replenishing the Earth in resplendence thoughout the generations of life is the key to our meaning, our purpose, our destiny, and our perpetual fulfillment.

Central to the unveiling is sexual reunion, in which the epoch of patriarchal dominion comes to an end and women's evolutionary rights to reproductive choice are respected because of their disproportionately greater investment in parenting, as explained in Christine's and my work "Sexual Paradox".

A hint of the current direction to catalyse a new view of reality as a paradigm shift can be found at Resplendence. Resplendence - to "shine brightly" is the natural paradigm shift from the bondage of religion - "to bind fast", in which preconceived beliefs give way to collective action to bring about the immortal age of paradise, thus fulfilling our planetary destiny as sentient beings.

We, each nascently invoke the messianic condition, because consciousness is itself the integrated consummation of the cosmic process, in a way which is complementary to the objective physical universe as a whole, but the key to fulfilling the messianic promise is to find and convey the correct remedy to the existential crisis of our coming of age, to bring about a condition of long-term future goodness. The vital remedy, despite all the scorched-Earth pretentions of apocalyptic religion, and the short-term myopia of business-as-usual, is clearly protecting the immortal tree of living diversity, on which we all depend for our own survival, from irreversible human-caused terminal damage, and reflowering it in perennial resplendence.

This is the ultimate solution to all our mortal insecurities and serious risks of misadventure, or even demise, in an age of increasing instabilities from nuclear holocaust, through irreversibe habitat and climate crisis, to a mass extinction of living diversity. This is the heavenly paradise we seek, to escape the planetary hells of human folly and misadventure, and this is the blessed condition in which we can all achieve realization and transcendence.

Yeshua also appears to have understood this in moments of insight, not too clouded by apocalyptic thinking:

"If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,'
then the birds of the sky will precede you.
If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you.
Rather, the kingdom is inside of you,
and it is outside of you. (Gospel of Thomas 3).

The Messiah's Blog

The messiah of the second coming is born under a bad sign,
a fatal attraction and a true vine: the mushroom cloud of Trinity,
the curse of the White Goddess, and the sacred mushroom of immortality.

Superseded by Resplendence

  1. Messiah Born under a Mushroom Cloud
  2. A Rogue's Gallery of the Messiahs
  3. The Cultural Tumult
  4. Sacrament and Consciousness
  5. !Kung Gods and the Genesis of Jehovah
  6. The 'Other': Kali and the Feminine Power
  7. Religion, Prophetic Impulse, Genome and Brain
  8. Rites of Reunion and Renewal
  9. Life, the Universe and Everything
  10. The Trouble with al-Llah
  11. Sexual Paradox and Patrarchal Dominion
  12. Prophesying NY
  13. The Shin-Tao of Apocalypse
  14. Cosmic Apocalypse Now



Apocalypse and the Numinous (from the millennial world vigil)

Cancer and Anti-cancer Treatments and Foodstuffs
Chemical Complexity of Food

Sakina Ka'aba

Contact: E-mail for inquiries, or interviews.
Conferencing: Available on E-mail request for video conferencing.